Jasmine Saavedra - The Permaculture Action Tour

My guest for this episode is Jasmine Saavedra of the Permaculture Action Tour. During our conversation, we talk about the tour and how it can be used as a model to expand the reach of permaculture to even more people through music and art and use the energy created from those programs to create regenerative activities the next day. Using this model Jasmine and her team were able to impact thirty-three cities in forty days, holding a concert one evening and creating permaculture installations the next by plugging into attendees and having them lend a hand.
These were not small efforts, however, as they reached thousands of people in each city, and generated thousands and thousands of hours of volunteer outreach. As you’ll hear I was rather impressed by the results. One other thing you’ll hear is the quality of our internet connection, as I reached Jasmine while she was in Guatemala and over some less than perfect wifi, requiring multiple calls and the use of several different internet cafes. Still, things turned out pretty good and this is well worth the listen. You can find out more about her, the organization, and the tour at permacultureaction.org. The campaign for the forthcoming film is at Permaculture Action Tour Film (IndieGoGo). As this episode goes out there are 16 days left for that fundraiser and they are over halfway to the goal. Go lend a hand if you are able. Walking away from this conversation I’m reminded of a common question I receive, “How can we make permaculture more mainstream?” If that is the direction you want to go then what Jasmine and the rest of the folks involved in the Permaculture Action Tour are doing is a way to accomplish that. Use music, art, and entertainment to cast a large wide net and draw people in and then engage them with what it is that we do. Share why it matters and how it can make a difference to attendees. Let them know about what is already happening in their backyard that they might not know about. Invite them in to our world. As you create that invitation, consider the importance of training and how that can help make what you are doing, wherever that may fit into the community, more effective. The success of this tour speaks volumes for the the individual roles, experience, and education of the team members. If you want to do community organizing, take a workshop. Look for a class in marketing. Spend some time on YouTube watching videos on the subject at hand. Find ways to improve your mind so that you can in turn change the world. You can do it. I believe in you, so go, get out there. If you need a hand along the way, get in touch. Email: The Permaculture Podcast Or Write: The Permaculture Podcast The Permaculture Podcast Before bringing this episode to a close, I would like to thank Jay, John, Jill, Brad, Phillip, and Ewelina for supporting the podcast via Patreon. Your assistance really helps. If you would like to know more about that program, and what you get for signing up to lend me a hand, go to Patreon.com/permaculturepodcast and check out the reward levels. Until the next time, take care of earth, your self, and each other. Resources A Permaculture Action Tour A Permaculture Action Tour (Facebook) A Permaculture Action Tour Film (IndieGoGo Campaign) The Polish Ambassador