Conflict Transformation

How would you like to have more peaceful relationships with others?
You can, and though the work is not easy, the process is simple, and today Ethan Hughes shares with us how he and others put this idea into practice day to day at The Possibility Alliance, as well as in the Permaculture Design Courses held at the Peace and Permaculture Center. T
his audio comes from the first video session with Ethan, recorded while I was at The Possibility Alliance. For those of you on mobile, if you'd like to watch this video, I’ve included a direct link to the YouTube page in the resource section.
These conversations with Ethan, a beautiful synthesis of the wisdom of others with his own experiences of living in community, continue to change and transform my life and lead to new discoveries. As I apply the lessons learned along the way I find that they work. There is less strife and more understanding of others, while also decreasing the sense of other or enemy identity. I won’t say it is perfect, and we call these things practices for a reason, but the improvement is there. By changing ourselves, we change the world. Now imagine all the possibilities.
If there is anyway I can assist you on your road, wherever you are in that journey, get in touch by leaving a comment below.
Conflict Transformation video (YouTube)
Ethan Hughes - Necessary Simplicity