Lisa DePiano - Participatory Design

My guest for this show is Lisa DePiano, a permaculture designer and teacher who spends her time working on participatory processes that engages and include others in design, democracy, and direct action.
We begin with her background and weave through her story of working in Zuccotti Park with the Occupy movement, including the establishment of a gray-water system to handle waste, and into larger systems systems implementing and experiencing change that involves the people part of the process. We close things down with a discussion of permablitzes: rapid fire building of permaculture systems in a day, that blends a variety of people and levels of experience into a work crew that learns hands-on. Through the conversation, Lisa provides numerous examples of technologies, systems, and worldwide movements making a more just and equitable world. Lisa's current projects include Mobile Design Lab and Permaculture For Ecological And Social Transformation, or FEAST. The Permaculture Feast is a weekend permaculture design course being offered in Northampton, MA from September to December, 2012. If you would like to meet Lisa and learn more about Permaculture, this F.E.A.S.T. is a fine way to do so. Find out more about her and these projects at and
Mobile Design Lab
Mobile Design Lab Facebook Page
Permaculture F.E.A.S.T.
The Occupy Greywater Video from One Pack Productions
Energy Bikes
The Energy Bike Story
Participatory Budgeting
Social Ecology
U.S. Worker Coops