Permaculture Magazine, North America

Hannah Apricot Eckberg, the editor of Permaculture Magazine, North America, joins me to share her role in the creation and launch of the latest North American permaculture periodical. Along the way, we talk about how permaculture practitioners, especially media producers whether they are publishers or podcasters, can engage in some cooperatition, a friendly form of cooperative competition, and cooperation to strengthen the community and our own individual work. That there is room for more producers.
We also touch on the current state of permaculture and the feedback we are both receiving from our respective contacts and audiences; how to make permaculture more accessible, and moving beyond the idea of a 9 to 5. With that last part, it includes how we can make a living doing what we believe in. How to make the decisions that encourage our lifestyle while also looking for ways to make a difference. One of those decisions that I am constantly making, thanks to the question from my friend Jason Godesky, is whether or not I'm ready to compromise. Right now, I'm not. By choosing not to I am led back, over and over again, to leaning into and trusting The Gift. It doesn't always make sense, but so far it has worked so I return to it. After reading these show notes and listening to the episode, with a longer than usual introduction, what are your thoughts on all of this? Leave a comment below, or get in touch by the usual ways
Permaculture Magazine The original UK magazine, still in print thanks to Tim and Maddy Harland.
Get Oil Out
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network, home of Margie Bushman and Wes Roe.
Warren Brush
Conscious Company
The Soul of Money
Jason Godesky - The Fifth World