Trevor Tychon - Connect Africa

Today's episode sees David Bilbrey returning to have a conversation with Trevor Tychon the founder of Connect Africa Ministries, a faith-based non-governmental organization working in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Congo, creating Resource Centers that provide education, training, and community support to create water filtration systems, cisterns, rockets stoves, and eco-toilets.
(Picture: Trevor Tychon of Connect Africa Ministries at one of the Uganadan Connect Africa Resource Centers)
Trevor and Connect Africa Ministries primary work has been providing clean water since creating the organization, along with his wife Jana, in 2001. Rather than drill wells, which can break due to the failure of a ten-cent part that requires thousands of dollars in resources to fix, they work above ground to capture and clean rainwater. Originally intended to provide potable water for 5,000, they have touched the lives of over 50,000 by embedding themselves alongside the people they work with, and being and active part of the solution to empower individuals and transform communities. While working in Africa, Trevor and Jana discovered permaculture and began integrating that into their broader work, so that more people can create resilience where they live. For the Tychon's, this education also includes experimentation, learning to grow something at one Connect Africa Resource Center and sharing that through trials at others. A longer episode than has been posted in a while, there is a lot of wisdom from the work of Trevor and CAM. Enjoy.
Connect Africa Ministries (Trevor's Site)
EcoThinkIt (David's Site)
Joel Glanzberg - MAPC Opening Address
Transition Music By Javier Suarez (Jahzzar) under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-ShareAlike)