Dyami Nason-Regan and Ethan Roland - Gaia University & Appleseed Permaculture, LLC

I interview Dyami Nason-Regan and Ethan Roland of Appleseed Permaculture, beginning with their backgrounds and development of Appleseed Permaculture, LLC., including a conversation on the role of an entrepreneurial spirit when one runs a business, and the need for a consistency of communication with clients.
They were recommended to me as guests because of their work with Gaia University, where they both earned a Master's Degree in Eco-Social Design. If you've done work at a western university, Gaia University's program is considerably different, which you'll hear. I was left speechless for a moment, though took that out in production so you didn't have to hear me sit with my jaw agape. Find out more at their website: appleseedpermaculture.com. There you can see their work, read the blog, Ethan's 8 Forms of Capital, and get involved with the Appleseed Land Managers program. Dyami and Ethan engage with their work in a way that is refreshing, dynamic, and affirming. I left the interview feeling the same way as when I finished my PDC: tired, amazed, and knowing people are doing incredible work to make this world a truly better place for everyone. May you enjoy this time with Dyami and Ethan as much as I did. Resources: Gaia University Terra Genesis International Organization Management and Communication Clean Talk Holacracy Sociocracy Holistic Management
Fertility Awareness
- Fertility Awareness (Wiki)
- Fertility Awareness Method (via Planned Parenthoood)
- Fertility Awareness: Natural Family Planning