Jen Mendez and Matt Bibeau - Place Based Education and IPEC (Part 1)

In this interview my friend Jen Mendez, of , speaks with Matt Bibeau of Institute of Permaculture Education for Children (IPEC) .
They frame the conversation around the Five Zones of Service and Action for Place-based Social Organizations, and share with us how to develop a place-based nature immersion school, based on the work at Jean's Farm which houses IPEC and Mother Earth School They begin with Matt's background, including his desire to work for the Park Service, which he put aside to dive deep into education for children to found Mother Earth School with his wife Kelly Hogan.
This took Matt way from the woods and back to study Sustainable Education from Portland State University. After this introduction they lead into the first two Zones of the Service and Action for Place-based Social Organization framework. Zone I is the living labratory: the people, activities, and efforts taking place at Jean's Farm in the urban environment of Portland. Zone II, which draws this piece to a close, is the demonstration of the lab, integrating the work of Mother Earth School and IPEC into the local community through various partnerships so that the organization can be as inclusive as possible. This integration is vital to the continued work of IPEC, whether in the home town of Portland, or in any other community they teach. Expect Part II on February 28, 2017. Five Zones of Service and Action for Place-based Social Organizations Zone I: Living Labratory Zone II: Demonstraing the living labratory locally. Zone III: Community Education Zone IV: National Education Zone V: International (Global) Education
Institute for Permaculture Education of Children
Mother Earth School
My Side of the Mountain
Sustainable Education - Portland State University
Jean’s Farm
City Repair Project
Oregon Sustainable Agriculture Land Trust (OSALT)
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