Karl Steyaert - Nonviolent Communication

A Center for Nonviolent Communication certified trainer, during our conversation Karl shares how using NVC can begin the work of restoring our connection with one another in a direct, meaningful way that honors our needs while meeting those of others. He also illustrates the process of NVC using an example from his own life. I’m thankful for the open space created during the interview to allow for that discussion.
I first became aware of Nonviolent Communication and the work of Dr. Marshall Rosenberg during the first interviewed with Dillon Naber Cruz near the start of the podcast. Picking up a copy of the book, combined with The Four Agreements, changed the way I look at interpersonal relationships and what it means to communicate well. Though I’ve since added more resources to my list on how to share ideas and express my own feelings, NVC started my journey down that road had an incredible impact on my own experience.
Find out more about Karl and his work at Findflow.org, and more about Nonviolent Communication at CNVC.org.
Nonviolent communication helps us to think in a different way, act in a different way, and be to be different. It isn’t a panacea, but nothing really is, not even permaculture, as much as I love it. Our work requires ending the -isms that divide and dehumanize one another in order to create the world we want to live in.
Is it naive to think we can work against what seems like our human nature to be assholes to one another? Maybe, but I grew up with the stories of generations of my family living in poverty and in that place finding the humanity of people they were told were wrong, and wound up being friends. I grew up with the vision of Gene Roddenberry, where we would could live in a post-scarcity society where each of us lived towards our own calling. Star Trek was a symbol of what each of us could become if we were free to explore our lives, the world, and, with the right technology, the alpha quadrant.
I remain an idealist that believes in those stories, the ones that say we can create a just, peaceful, and joyful world. Doing so starts with me. It starts with you. Together we can escape the thinking that separates us, and get further into the deep work of designing nonviolent communities, cultures, cities, and societies that take care of Earth, ourselves, and each other.
If there is any way I can help you, get in touch and continue the conversation by leaving a comment below.
Karl Steyaert
The Center for Nonviolent Communication (Browse this site for information on training, books, and other resources).