Patricia Daly - The Ketogenic Kitchen

Patricia Daly, on the left in the picture above, joins me to talk about her book The Ketogenic Kitchen, and the possible health benefits of a high fat, moderate protein, low carbohydrate diet. Her work with this diet come from her own experiences as a cancer patient seeking complimentary therapies. Through information emerging in Europe she found research showing a ketogenic diet as effective when combined with traditional therapies, which in her case were radiation treatments. Undertaking this diet while continuing radiotherapy she was able to, as you will hear, quite literally see the results.
One of my personal struggles in eating gluten-free and reduced-carb is that I was always hungry. Rarely would a meal end where I felt sated, regardless of what I did. Within just a few days of following The Ketogenic Kitchen, for the first time in years, at the end of a meal and I feel comfortably full and stay that way for hours. The results were dramatic and amazing. I personally cannot speak well enough of this diet, for those who are suited to it. I don't use this phrase often, but The Ketogenic Kitchen is a life-changing book.
Pick up a copy of The Ketogenic Kitchen from Chelsea Green.
Patricia Daly
The Ketogenic Kitchen