Eddy Garcia - Natural Swimming Pools

Eddy of Living Earth Systems returns, this time joined by his partner Sam, to continue discussing the ways we can work naturally with living systems to create clean water. The first time he joined us was to share his natural aquaponics system, but this time around talks about how we can use those same ideas to create natural swimming pools.
Pulling from nearly 30 years of experience building natural swimming pools Eddy shares how he blends biology, including plants and fish, along with some technology, such as pool pumps and UV lights, to create a complete setup that removes the need for chemicals like chlorine or minerals like salt. By making these changes, we can create fertility from the pool to use safely in our lawn and garden, and even create water that is clean enough to drink. The best part? You can apply these ideas to systems from as small as a jacuzzi, and several hundred gallons, up to a pond covering acres containing millions.
After you listen to the interview if you would like to find out more about Eddy, Sam, and their work, visit LivingEarthSystems.com. There you can also watch the video on his natural swimming pools. If for some reason you can’t view the video on their site, this is the direct YouTube Link: Malama Ka ‘Aina (Care for the Earth)
What do you think after hearing this conversation? Do you want to install your own natural swimming pool or aquaponics system? Are you already working on a similar project, or know of one in your area? Leave a comment below and let us know.