Joel Glanzberg - A Pattern of Regeneration

Along the way Joel shares with us his personal successes and failures, while keeping a focus on how we can use the teachings of permaculture to view the world through a lens that focuses on the patterns that lead to ever greater, intentional, design with biological systems in mind. You learn more about him and his work by visiting
While you are there you can also view his video 30 Years of Greening the Desert. In the notes below you’ll find a transcript of Joel’s talk. This is something I’d like to include in every episode of the show and to help that along have updated the Patreon page for the show to reflect that.
What I like about this conversation with Joel is how he continued to return to the power of biological forces in our systems.
From Schrodinger's quote about neg-entropy to how he might build his son, to repairing cracks in a system, life begets life. The more we spend time designing with life in mind the more regenerative our systems become. The more they allow us to design ourselves out of the work. Even with what I’m doing here with the podcast, right now technology is how the stories are told, but over time and with the creation of new traditions, we can train new storytellers who collect and share the tales of others, to spread words and voices from mouth to ear in a perpetual way that isn’t replaced with something but by someone. Oh what a beautiful world it will be.
How do patterns impact your work? Did you learn something new from what Joel shared? I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below.
Resources - Joel’s website
Gregory Bateson (Wiki)