Jude Hobbs Defines Permaculture

She's a great teacher. Really, if you get a chance to, take a course with her.
She's a great teacher. Really, if you get a chance to, take a course with her.
A pleasant little video made with material from the International Permaculture Convergence 8 in held in Brazil. You get to see several permaculture installations throughout the are, of various sizes, learn more about the various issues at hand, hear a description of permaculture concepts and techniques, and see the faces of some names you've probably heard about while reading, researching, and learning about Permaculture.
Permaculture - A Quiet Revolution from Spread Knowledge on Vimeo
A well rounded, 5 minute, introduction to many of the techniques that have been developed and used by permaculture practitioners: swales, polyculture, composting, mulches, grey water recycling, composting toilets, and recycling of resources. This is another nice example one can use to answer the question, "What does Permaculture look like?"
And, at the 2:16 mark, you will see a black composting unit. I have a similar model in my composting arsenal. Due to the shape, color, and my being a geek, it is the Darth Composter.
The Permaculture Garden: Restoring Your Yard, Sustaining Your Life!