Warren Brush - Profitable Permaculture

An interview with Warren Brush, a Permaculture teacher and designer who, along with his wife, operates Quail Springs in California as a demonstration site and education center.
His experiences and connection in the permaculture community. However, however, this time around it is not his travels that we speak about. Rather, after an introduction and discussion of his background, which includes taking his PDC with Bill Mollison, we spend the bulk of our time together talking about opportunities and models for making permaculture profitable by moving beyond the backyards and byways to broadscale agriculture, financed by community and slow money investment.
Quail Springs
Warren Brush
Wilderness Youth Project
Sustainable Vocations
Owen Dell
"Sustainable Landscaping for Dummies"
Art Ludwig and Oasis Design
Woody Tasch
Slow Money
Joel Salatin and Polyface Farm