Scott Kellogg - Regenerative Urban Sustainability Training

My guest for this show is Scott Kellogg who, along with his wife Stacy Pettigrew, operate the Radix Ecological Sustainability Center in Albany, New York, and co-authored Toolbox for Sustainable City Living.
That book brought Scott to my attention. My wife picked it up from the library and thought it would prove interesting with the urban work I was involved in. Like Rachel Kaplan's book, Urban Homesteading, flipping through the pages of Toolbox for Sustainable City Living, I said to myself, “This is a permaculture book”. Reading a bit further along, my suspicions proved correct: Toolbox for Sustainable City Living came out of Stacy and Scott's work in transforming a portion of Austin Texas, building working systems in an Urban environement. Though the book lead me to look up Scott as a guest for the show, his current work is why I asked him on. Scott and Stacy offer a course called R.U.S.T.: Regenerative Urban Sustainability Training. Take the important parts of Permaculture adapted for city living, strip away the extraneous bits, and package it up into something taught in a weekend. A new model for transmitting permaculture to those people who need it most, without the time or financial requirements of a full PDC. Check out the interview where we discuss Scott' background, the framework of the R.U.S.T., and our considerations for moving sustainable design forward. If you like what you hear and want to take a class contact Scott and Stacy and you can go visit them at The Radix Center in Albany New York, or make arrangement for them to come to you. Regardless of the path you choose, their methods will empower you and your community.
The Radix Center R.U.S.T.: Regenerative Urban Sustainability Training
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