Adam Brock - Urban Agriculture and The GrowHaus

My guest is Adam Brock, a trained permaculturist and the Director of Operations of The GrowHaus a Denver, Colorado, based non-profit practicing hydroponics and aquaponics.
During our conversation we talk about The GrowHaus as a model for others who want to implement Urban Agriculture and along the way touch on invisible structures in Permaculture, engaging the community, practicing Permaculture in the city of Denver, which in turn leads us to both climatic issues such as sun, rain, and plant selection, but also water rights and the need to work with regulators. When I first became aware of The GrowHaus and traded email with Adam to setup the interview, my biggest question arose about how the people and organization worked on objectives of the goal “ provide healthy, affordable food for the surrounding community and raise awareness about issues of food justice and sustainability.” The answers surprised me. As often happens I'm left speechless for a little bit, but thankfully can edit that out. You do, however, hear some of my joy for their work and the process. Another area that really stood out was in the conversation of social justice. I find when the word justice is attached to a term describing a movement towards equality, or a level playing field, the rhetoric can turn heated, or the phrase used to allow someone opposed to the idea to dismiss the advocate and their argument. But you should listen to what Adam says and the way that The GrowHaus works to provide a hand-up through personal engagement and responsibility, rather than a hand-out. Just as Adam and his colleagues grow food to physically nourish the members of the community, they also nurture the financial growth of those people. But, you should listen to the interview to hear the rest of that. Resources The GrowHaus Contact the Show The Permaculture Podcast