Eric Puro - Natural Building and

My guest for this episode is Eric Puro of He is a natural builder from the United States currently living in Portugal developing several sustainable building projects. In this episode we talk about the work of his organization, what it’s like to learn how to do this kind of building, as well as the decision making that’s involved with bringing a group of builders and volunteers together.
I think you’ll find as you listen to this a certain resonance with past guests including Bob Theis (Part 1 and Part 2), Stephen Harrod Buhner, Michael Pilarski, Jack Spirko, and Ethan Hughes. You connect with Eric by visiting network.
One of the things that really stood out for me with from this conversation was Eric’s “Do it!” attitude. We can do these tasks. We can get out there and make things happen. There’s no reason to be constrained by our own fears, but rather let’s go and work and get things moving. As Jack Spirko said, and why I mentioned him in the beginning, permaculture is a “do-ocracy.” We’re tasked to take action. Go out and plant. Go out and build. Make a difference in the world. Along the way there are people like Eric to show you how to keep moving forward. If you’re interested in natural building, or have your own project you are working with, connect with and find people you can help, and can help you in turn. I’d like to hear from you if there is any way I can help you. Call me, as it’s the quickest and easiest way to get in touch: . Email: The Permaculture Podcast. Join in the discussions on Facebook: Or follow me on twitter where I am: @permaculturecst. Resources: The Poosh Americorps The Biomimicry Design Portal Consensus Decision-Making (Wikipedia) Earthship Biotecture Gargage Warrior The Thatcher's Craft (PDF Downloads from Herefordshire & Ludlow College, UK) The Vernacular Architecture Forum Other Images from The Poosh: