Ben Falk - Whole Systems Design & the Resilient Farm

My guest for this episode is Ben Falk, owner of Whole Systems Design, LLC, and author of The Resilient Farm and Homestead.
He and I talk about his route to permaculture, the work of Whole Systems Design, the book, and his 10 acre farm, where he performed the research for the book. Along the way we talk about how and where design happens, the design process, the role of active versus passive observation, and some of the 75 patterns and principles that emerged from his work that makes it into the book. I'd heard of Ben but didn't know what he's been doing, though a friend of mine in the local permaculture community thinks highly of his very active research into resilient systems. Then a listener suggested I contact Ben for an interview, with some others seconding the recommendation, so I knew this was someone I needed to speak with. And I'm thankful that I did. Ben has a firm grasp of the design process and the experience necessary to make implementation happen through his role as a professional designer. Also, he's walking the road necessary to expand the community's knowledge of what does and doesn't work while paying attention to the unique needs of someone living in the North-Eastern United States. If you are interested in his book, you can see the table of contents on his website. When purchasing the book, please consider buying it directly from Ben or the publisher, Chelsea Green.
The Resilient Farm and Homestead (Chelsea Green)
About The Resilient Farm and Homestead (Whole Systems Design)
Ben Falk
Ben Falk on Vimeo
Whole Systems Design, LLC.
Permaculture Design Courses with Ben and Whole Systems Design.
Whole Systems Design (Facebook Page)
Whole Systems Design (Youtube Channel)
Dr. John Todd
National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS)