Q&A: Permaculture In The City

The Permaculture Podcast Tree with Roots Logo

This is another Q&A show, this time with a question from Tony. I actually take up two questions in this show, but the one that is the focus of most of this episode can be summed up as: How can people implement Permaculture in heavy human area, i.e. cities? Because I often focus on solutions and things people can do, it's not a discussion of applying the ethics and principles to an urban setting, but rather examples of things people can do to start living them. There is, however, encouragement for people to take a Permaculture Design Course as a first step. The short question was about the inclusion of animals in Permaculture. This wasn't answered in depth because the regular episodes of the show are going to start working through the material that one would normally encounter in a PDC. Since Tony brought it up, animals in Permaculture will be the first part of that series when we get back to it.

If you want to check out a great city project that is lead by a Permaculturist, check out: The Philadelphia Orchard Project

Questions? Contact me! Email: The Permaculture Podcast

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