Andrew Mefferd - Protected Culture: Growing in Greenhouses and Hoophouses

My guest today is Andrew Mefferd, author of The Greenhouse and Hoophouse Grower's Handbook. Drawing on his years of research working at Johnny's Selected Seeds, he shares what it means to grow plants in an environment we can control, be that a cold frame in our backyard, an unheated hoophouse, or a heated greenhouse.
If we are a home gardener, you'll find encouragement to grown anything you want to serve on our table or share with friends. For commercial growers Andrew focuses on the eight most profitable crops for market:
1. Tomatoes
2. Peppers
3. Cucumbers
4. Eggplant
5. Lettuce
6. Greens
7. Microgreens
8. Herbs
If you're a plant nerd, you'll also find technical details to dig into, with information on spacing, grafting. If you like technology, you can immerse yourself in to all the systems that go into a greenhouse: lights, solar curtains, irrigation types, and even record keeping.
In addition to authoring this book and his life as a farmer, Andrew is also the editor of Growing for Market magazine. That publication is dedicated to growers who sell directly to clients be they restaurants or farmer's market customers.
The Greenhouse and Hoophouse Grower's Handbook (Chelsea Green)
Growing for Market Magazine
High Tunnel System Initiative (NRCS Grants)
The Greenhouse Company (Commercial Greenhouse Company)
15 Free Greenhouse Plans (Homestead and Prepper)
Build a 12' x 8' Gothic Arch Greenhouse (YouTube)