Ross Crutchfield - Making A Homestead

In this episode I speak with Ross Crutchfield of Making A Homestead, his site devoted to the projects and experiences of building his homestead one day at a time. Ross and I know each other from The Survival Podcast forum, which you will hear mentioned several times. The forums are an offshoot of Jack Spirko's The Survival Podcast, which is dedicated to "Living a better life, if time's get tough or even if they don't." Ross learned about Permaculture through Jack's podcast and Will Hooker's videos from hisIntroduction to Permaculture Class (HS432/HS590). Listen to Ross talk about the challenges, failures, and successes of improving his own piece of suburbia. If you are looking for a ways to begin changing your Zone 0 and Zone 1 his site has many hands on projects to get you started. Resources from this interview: Freecycle, where user's give away items they no longer need. How to Build a Top Bar Hive by Philip Chandler Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden Supply He sent me a message after the show about a smartphone app that he uses when planting called Sun Seeker Lite, available for both the iPhone and Android platforms.