Marisha Auerbach - Urban Landscapes, Bio-Diversity, and Permaculture Education

My guest for this episode is Marisha Auerbach, a permaculture designer and teacher from Portland, Oregon. She joins me today to talk about her work in the urban environment and her intentional choice to move to Portland to build working examples of the systems needed to exemplify what we can do. From there we touch on biodiversity and savings seeds, then cover some educational opportunities coming up that Marisha is involved with, and end with a general conversation about permaculture education and whether or not the on-line space is an appropriate one in which to teach permaculture. We cover a lot of ground and Marisha's long involvement in the community means there are copious resources listed below. You will also find links to several past guests she mentions to support our conversation together. If you enjoy this episode, or any of the others from the podcast, please consider making a donation so I can keep on keeping on. Find out how at: You may enjoy these past episodes: Edible Forest Gardens and Permaculture with Dave Jacke Exploring Permaculture with Larry Santoyo Financial Permaculture with Eric Toensmeier Teaching the PDC with Andrew Millison Resources: Herb'n Wisdom, Marisha's Blog. Marisha's upcoming events: Maya Mountain Research Farm (Belize PDC) The 2014 Local Food Enterprise Summit: A Financial Permaculture Convergence People and places: Bullock Brothers The Evergreen State College Forest Shoemer Gary Nabhan Wild Thyme Farm Organizations: Abundant Life Seed Foundation (Now merged with Territorial Seed Company) The American Livestock Breed Conservancy Seed Savers Exchange Plants and Animals: Ahimsa Silk Coast Strawberry Lower Salmon River Winter Squash Sedum Silver Fox rabbit Join in the conversations: E-mail: The Permaculture Podcast Facebook: Twitter: @permaculturecst (Episode 2014-003)