Joel Salatin on Farming, Experience and Mastery.

Joel Salatin shares his thoughts on farming, the importance of experience, and the role of mastery over ourselves and our chosen discipline.
These topics layout the major themes of the conversation that follows but touch only on the barest of the depth you’ll hear. Together Joel and I explore land access for new farmers, living frugally, agriculture based on skilled people, mentoring and apprenticeship, the nature of wisdom, and what it means to be well-read and with it well rounded: to be an interesting conversationalist with something to say and a provocative way to say it, so others find us and our message appealing.
I left this conversation thinking about the personal changes we can make now to become experts in our chosen field and how that serves as a model for others that continues the change that already began. Eventually, that daily change becomes the future we cannot imagine for generations to come.
Once you’ve given this interview a listen, leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts. Or, you can also get in touch with me directly in the usual ways.
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