Caroline Riley Carberry - One World Permaculture

In this episode, I speak with Caroline Riley of One World Permaculture and her work to teach permaculture to children and adults. A member of the Austin Permaculture Guild, she teaches at the Austin Community College and assists her husband, Michael Carberry, at the Whole Life Learning Center.
Her permaculture instructors include Dick Pierce, Jude Hobbs, and Andrew Millison. We talk about her introduction to permaculture, cross cultural work with children in the United States and Zambia, an upcoming project in India, as well as the vibrant permaculture scene in Austin, TX. You can learn more about her work by visiting: One World Permaculture Other resources mentioned in this show: Advanced Teacher Training in Youth and Child Permaculture Education with Patty Parks-Wasserman, Matthew Bibeau, and Kelly Hogan. Amala Foundation Arise Africa Barton Springs Last Child in the Woods Mother Earth School Rhizome Collective Square Foot Gardening Sustainable Food Center